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Blog > What compensation do bodyguards receive?
What compensation do bodyguards receive?
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7 posts
Nov 07, 2022
6:03 AM
Although some bodyguards sign contracts for $700 per day or $180,000 annually, the average annual salary for one is $55,000. The main factors affecting pay are location, experience, training, job description, risk, and risk level. Bodyguarding could be dangerous or boring.
The Following Six Groups Might Benefit from a Personal Bodyguard
Extremely wealthy individuals, CEOs and business leaders, celebrities and entertainers, people who frequently make the news, people who are divorcing or experiencing domestic difficulties, and people who frequently travel abroad.
Does the wealthy employ bodyguards?
However, some wealthy people don't need to be protected. They don't need a bodyguard; they can simply walk around the city. However, you shouldn't take the chance if you're a billionaire like Mark Zuckerberg. Business Insider claims that in 2021 Meta spent $26.8 million on Mark's security guard services and private aircraft.

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